The scientific name is Withania somnifera.
The roots of Aswagandha smell like Horse(Aswa), so it is called Aswagandha.
Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine practised in India can be traced back to 6000 BC (Charak Samhita). For most of these 6000 years, Ashwagandha has been used as a Rasayana. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera, fam. Solanaceae) is commonly known as “Indian Winter cherry” or “Indian Ginseng”. It is one of the most important herbs of Ayurveda (the traditional system of medicine in India) used for millennia as a Rasayana for its wide-ranging health benefits. Rasayana is described as a herbal or metallic preparation that promotes a youthful state of physical and mental health and expands happiness. These types of remedies are given to small children as tonics and are also taken by the middle-aged and elderly to increase longevity. Among the ayurvedic Rasayana herbs, Ashwagandha holds the most prominent place. It is known as “Sattvic Kapha Rasayana” Herb (Changhadi, 1938). Most of the Rasayana herbs are adaptogen / anti-stress agents.
The active Ingredients of Aswagandha
a) Alkaloids b) Steroidal Lactones like withanolides, withaferins c) Saponins d) Sitoindosides e) Cylsterylglucosides and f) Withaferin-A. Sitoindosides and acylsteryl glucosides in Ashwagandha are anti-stress agents.
Proven Health Benefits :
• Adaptogenic – Ashwagandha is also used as an “adaptogen” to help the body cope with daily stress and as a general tonic.
• Low Testosterone and Infertility for Men – Aswagandha is found to increase the Testosterone Level, increases the sperm count and sperm motility and lower the possibility of Infertility for men. Increases muscle mass and Strength – Aswagandha is found to increase glucose utilization in the body and increases muscle mass and strength.
• To Reduce Fat – Aswadandha may reduce the Fat in the body.
• For Hyper cholesterol and Hyperlipidemia – Aswadandha may control the Hyper cholesterol and Hyperlipidemic condition. • For Reduced Brain Function and Memory – Aswadandha is found to increase brain function and increases Memory.
• Leucoderma/Vitiligo: In Leucoderma or Vitiligo, which has not manifested for more than 2 years may get cured by Aswagandha. If the patches are a little reddish or pinkish in colour then Aswagandha may give good results.
• Edema in Legs: If the patient suffering from chronic amoebiasis and there is an accumulation of water in the legs, Aswagandha can be used along with Centella Asiatica (Thankuni). This may give good results.